
By your consistent prayers support our clients, volunteers, staff and Board.
By your regular financial support enables us to meet our day to day operational needs.
By your regular donations of food and clothes ease the hardships of our clients.
By your commitment to volunteer sustains our ministry.
By participating in yard sales in April and September.
If you shop online with Amazon, link up your account and make purchases through Smile.Amazon.com and select Sharing God's Love, Irmo SC as your charity of choice. Amazon will send us .5% of eligible purchases. This does not change or affect anything about your account so it's a wonderfully easy way to help us.
If you shop at Kroger Grocery, link your Kroger Plus card to their Kroger Community Rewards Program selecting Sharing God's Love as your charity of choice. They will donate back to us a small portion of your purchases. (This will not affect your fuel points)
Volunteer Services Needed
Weekly Need:
Work at SGL one day each week from 8:30 to 12:30 in clothing room, garage, pantry or office.
Work at SGL at other hours as needed sorting items and placing in appropriate areas.
Pick up and deliver bread and bakery products from retailer to SGL.
Pick up and/or deliver items from or to other agencies or ministries.
Purchasing of pantry items from grocery stores or Harvest Hope.
Acknowledge donations with thank-you correspondence.
Occasional Need:
Maintenance and repair of building/perform handy-man chores in and around building.
Make posters or signs for racks and walls/decorate and maintain bulletin board displays.
Lawn care (seasonal).
Assist with correspondence, brochures, and/or newsletters.
Telling the story of SGL to groups at church or organization meetings.
Telling the story of SGL and giving tours of facility to youth groups, scouts, etc.
Keep historical records of SGL.
Assist with preparation and staffing of bi-annual yard sales (April and Sept.)
Adopt a family – year round or seasonal.
Serve on Board of Directors – three year term
Serve as an Ambassador for SGL to the business community.
Special Events
- Boy Scout Food Drive - February
- Post Office Food Drive - May
- Yard Sales - April & September