Get Involved
You can help:
- By your consistent prayers that support our clients, volunteers, staff and Board.
- By your regular financial support which enables us to meet our day to day operational needs.
- By your regular donations of food and clothes that ease the hardships of our clients.
- By your commitment to which volunteer sustains our ministry.
- By participating in our annual yard sales in the Spring and Fall.
Painless Giving:
- If you shop at Kroger Grocery, link your Kroger Plus card to their Kroger Community Rewards Program selecting Sharing God’s Love as your charity of choice.
- Thrivent Financial Benefactors: Are you a member of Thrivent Financial? If you are, talk to your agent about naming Sharing God’s Love as a benefactor for community funds. Information is also online at
Volunteer Needs
Weekly Need
Work at SGL one day each week from 9:00am to 12:00 noon, various duties.
Work at SGL at other hours as needed sorting items and placing in appropriate areas.
- Come with a group of friends to bag sugar, flour, rice and grits.
Pick up and deliver groceries from retailers to SGL.
Pick up and/or deliver items from or to other agencies or ministries.
Shoppers for pantry items from grocery stores or Harvest Hope.
Occasional Need
Make posters or signs for racks and walls/decorate and maintain bulletin board displays.
Lawn care and Spring cleaning (seasonal).
Telling the story of SGL to groups at church or organization meetings.
Telling the story of SGL and giving tours of facility to youth groups, scouts, etc.
- Assist with preparation and staffing of bi-annual yard sales (Spring and Fall).
Special Events
- Souper Bowl of Caring – Super Bowl Sunday
- Boy Scout Food Drive – February
Yard Sales – Spring and Fall
Benefit Golf Tournament – September

Current Volunteer Opportunities
We need your help! Volunteering sustains us. If you would like to help us with donations or volunteer please email: or call 803-732-3188.
Follow us on our Facebook page as we generally post volunteer needs there:
If you would like to volunteer for special events or host your own food drive to benefit us, give us a call and we can help you organize it!
Thank you!!